Shaping Tomorrow’s Health

Resqunit invest in and build best-in-class companies and create sustainable value through our business model based on engaged ownership.


Engaged Ownership

Resqunit investment philosophy is buy-to-build. This means that we develop the companies in our portfolio over time, as long as we see further value creation potential.


Ensure an Attractive Portfolio

Resqunit need to ensure that we always have a strong portfolio of high-quality, industry-leading companies, well-positioned to benefit from exposure to attractive long-term growth trends.


Operate Efficiently

Resqunit always strive to operate efficiently. Maintaining cost discipline is important to maximize cash flow available for investments and dividends.

Investement Strategy

Resqunit have a clear and well defined strategy aiming at future-proofing Resqunit and our companies in order to maximize long-term value. Our ultimate target is to generate an attractive total shareholder return.

Our annual return requirement is 10-15 percent (risk-free interest rate plus equity market risk premium). Resqunit invest in and build best-in-class companies and create sustainable value through our business model based on engaged ownership.

Resqunit actively support our companies in managing today’s fast-changing environment by using our well-proven engaged ownership model, which is at the core of our value creation process. We work in a structured way and apply the same approach to all companies, while acknowledging that they are in different phases in different industries.

The boards of our companies, and the chair in particular, are crucial in our ownership model. We always seek board representation and strive to ensure that the boards are the best possible in terms of relevant skills and experience. Our business teams, consisting of our board representatives and investment professionals, build deep knowledge about each company, its industry dynamics and competitive landscape, with the aim to identify key strategic value drivers.




Resqunit invest in and build best-in-class companies and create sustainable value through our business model based on engaged ownership.

Resqunit actively support our companies in managing today’s fast-changing environment by using our well-proven engaged ownership model, which is at the core of our value creation process. We work in a structured way and apply the same approach to all companies, while acknowledging that they are in different phases in different industries.